Treatment Options For Hearing Problems | ENT Specialists in Delhi

The hearing is the ability to listen and to perceive sounds. According to ENT Specialists in Prashant Vihar Delhi, hearing problems are the issues related to hearing sounds. This process of lack of hearing or reduced ability to hear sounds is known as Hearing Impairment and the complete hear loss or total lack of hearing is called as Deafness. People having hearing issues may face difficulty in understanding daily conversations and communicating in noisy situations such as gatherings, group meetings or restaurants. They often ask others to repeat. They may experience tinnitus, buzzing or ringing in their ears and feel under-confident.

Hearing loss can happen due to various reasons. For the right treatment, it is important to understand the right reason for hearing impairment.
Major causes of reduced hearing or hearing loss are:
- Acoustic Trauma is a common cause of hearing problems that are caused due to working with noisy equipment or in loud music. People who are exposed to loud noises are at high risk of hearing impairment due to Acoustic Trauma.

- Sensorineural Hearing loss is the cause of hearing impairment that happens due to viral infections in the auditory nerve or inner ear.

- Swelling in the brain, which is also called as Encephalitis, can also cause hearing impairment. 

- Multiple Sclerosis can damage the sensitive hair cells inside the inner ear and can cause hear loss.

- Meniere Disease can cause hearing loss due to infection in the inner ear.

- People having diabetes and hypothyroidism are more at risk of hearing loss. 

Depending upon the cause, loss of hearing is tested through audiogram. The measuring of decibels is also known as the degree of Hearing Impairment.
There are five degrees of Hearing Impairment: 
- Slight hearing loss lies in the 16 to 25 decibels range. Patients can face trouble in hearing a soft speech, sounds or sounds from distance.

- Mild hearing loss occurs in the range of 26 to 40. Patients having mind hear loss may experience constant lack of speech and language. In this situation of hearing loss, doctors advise using hearing aids.

- Moderate Hearing Loss occurs in the range of 41 to 55 decibels. Patient barely hears conversations even in a quiet room.

- Severe Hearing Loss occurs in the range of 71 to 90 decibels. Sign Language can be an option for this hearing loss.

- Profound Hearing Loss occurs above the range of 90 decibels. Hearing aids will not work and complete hearing loss happens.

Based on the degree of Hearing Loss, there are three types of hearing loss:
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss:
Sensorineural Hearing Loss is the most common kind of hearing loss that is caused due to damage of auditory nerves  It is also caused due to the damage of tiny hair cells in the inner ear. Patients having this hearing loss may experience difficulty in understanding speech and sounds.

- Conductive hearing Loss:
Conductive hearing Loss occur due to a mechanical problem in the outer or middle ear. This mechanical problem leads to blockage of sounds to get in the eardrums. Conductive hearing Loss is mostly temporary b in nature and can be treated.

- Mixed Hearing Disorder:
Mixed Hearing DIsorder is a combination of Conductive Hearing Loss and Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Major causes of this hearing loss include head trauma, ear infections or perforated eardrums.

Treatment Options for Hearing Loss
There are various Medical treatments available on the basis of hearing loss. These treatments are prescribed on the basis of causes and the degree of hearing loss. The treatment options include medications, surgeries, and mechanical hearing aids. Depending upon age and degree, medical practitioners prescribe the medications and treatments. Below is the list of treatment options that can be taken:
1. Hearing Aids:
The damage of the inner ear can be treated through Hearing aids. Audiologist suggests appropriate hearing aids according to the age of patient and degree of Hearing loss. It increases hearing power and can treat moderate to severe hearing loss. Hearing Aids treats tinnitus, ringing and clicking noise in the ears. It helps to amplify and process sounds so that hearing can be aided. Patients using hearing aids are able to communicate more easily. They may experience loud noises in their ears including their own during the beginning.

2. Assistive Listening Devices:
Assistive Listening Devices acts as amplification systems that help to hear better. It overcomes background noises and minimizes the sound distortions. These Assistive Listening Devices includes hearing loops, neckloops, personal communicators and tv amplifiers. These devices enhance the sound. It also reduces the effects of distance, noise, and reverberation to transmit sounds directly to the ears. 
3. Cochlear Implants:
Cochlear Implants is an electronic device that amplifies sounds to make them louder and hearable. Audiologist suggests Cochlear Implants to the patients having moderate to profound hearing loss. It helps to transfer sound to the hearing nerve so that the patient can hear properly. Using Cochlear Implants, conversations are easier and patients can talk properly even on the phone.  


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